MBA Graduate

  • Post category:Management

Last February I submitted the last dissertation for my MBA at University of Bradford. Naturally it was the master thesis or Management Porject, a work that took me a solid year to accomplish. I'm specially proud of my last piece of work "VIX as Predictor Variable of Stock Market Returns", a culmination of my specialisation in finance.

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Elective MBA Modules

  • Post category:Management

Since my last post, I passed four new modules in my MBA: International Business Strategy: my first executive MBA module taught by Dr. Eva Alfoldi. Eva conveyed high performance lectures and brought a stunning performance, definitely my best learning experience. Project Management: my first module evaluated 100% by a conventional exam. This module gave me the chance to acquire the formal education of project management, that was perfectly complemented by my professional experience.

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Half MBA Program

  • Post category:Management

Already passed 1 year since I started my MBA at University of Bradford, UK. In other words, I ran half program. It is being an exciting journey, very demanding but with an extraordinary step forward in my formal education. I can feel how each passed module aggregates new management skills and changing my approach to management. Coming from engineering I was very reluctant of the value added of an MBA, however, module by module I've been changing my mind. Now I do not have any doubt that an MBA brings an inflexion point in management skills and competences.

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